Our team are here to support you so you can work with an independent spirit. We support each store in a way that works best for each person, knowing that every location, every owner is unique.
Neil is passionate about delivering real results for members to ensure they enjoy prospering practices. Having been in the optometry world working on supply chain for 5years he understands the challenges and nuances of owning a practice and what it takes to make a practice thrive in these challenging times.
He brings a wealth of business expertise and is highly analytical offering top level business advice at the end of the phone to all our members.
Campbell brings a strong retail and service background, a wide range of ideas, processes and analytical insight which will benefit the wider group and the Practices which form its base. He is team focused and believes that the building of relationships is ultimately how real progress is made and real differences are nurtured.
He is dedicated to helping increase both visibility through marketing and more crucially, improving the systems and processes to ensure efficiency and improve bottom lines of practices through these additional developmental initiatives. Communication and availability are cornerstones of how he creates and maintains forward progress.
Dan joins the IO Group as our independent board chair. He brings a diverse set of skills and competencies which will add tremendous value to the work of the Board, and the IO Group, as the way forward is charted in an ever-changing marketplace. These skills encompass visionary leadership, strategic thinking, building sustainable businesses and culture development amongst others.
He currently also holds Advisory Board Chair roles with Queen Anne Indulgence, Breakthrough and Topflight.
Michele brings to the IOG Board her 20+ years of Optometry practice, having started at OPSM in various location around New Zealand before joining Bennett & Pearson Optometrists in 2007 and becoming a partner in 2010. She now splits her time between their Taradale and Napier practices.
Michele is a general optometrist and as a partner in two busy practices, her particular business focus is on developing strong HR relationships and encouraging continued development of her staff and colleagues. She looks forward to building and strengthening relationships within the IO Group, both locally and nationally.
Jagrut brings an exceptional wealth of clinical expertise to the IO Group Board. He speaks regularly in the USA, South Africa, China, Australia and abroad. Currently; he is a branch president (Waikato) for the New Zealand Association of Optometrists, President for the Cornea and Contact lens society for New Zealand, a board member of the International Academy of Orthokeratology and is the NZ representative on the member committee for the Orthokeratology Society for Oceania.
In addition, he brings a forward-thinking approach to practice management as the owner of Rose Optometrists in Hamilton. He is passionate about the growth and evolution of the IO Group to keep Independents and the Visique brand prospering in a dynamic environment.
We’re a cooperative of optometrists and dispensing opticians who are health care professionals with a service based philosophy which puts the highest priority on patient needs while recognising the importance of providing an excellent customer experience.
We exist to help you compete and succeed in a challenging marketplace while practising your profession without restrictions. It’s about you doing what you do best, PLUS having the benefit of commercial assistance and belonging to a community of your peers.